Safe Diets for Children
According to KidsHealth, "Kids usually do not need to diet in this way. Unlike adults, kids are still growing and developing. During this time, kids need a variety of healthy foods to keep their bodies growing properly. Some kids are overweight, but even overweight kids often can improve their health simply by eating nutritious foods and being more active."
Use dieting as a last resort and under the strict supervision of a doctor or nutritionist.
Increase Activity
Children should stay active to prevent obesity. Not only have adults become more sedentary, children have also. Many times, simply increasing playtime activities will cause the weight to come off naturally. Unless a doctor has put your child on a diet, the safest approach is to increase activity and decrease junk foods. Reduce their sedentary time by getting children to limit TV time and computer games.
Unhealthy Foods
Having a hamburger once in a while is not harmful, as long as it's balanced out by other, healthful burger won't hurt. Any diet that greatly limits entire groups of foods may not be healthful. Growing children should consume a daily balanced diet that consists of protein, fresh fruits and vegetables. Diets can be dangerous for children when they are not balanced, or do not include the proper caloric intake. Set a good example by eliminating junk foods from your grocery list and from your kitchen cabinets.
Healthful Foods
Make foods look appealing. Removing all fast food from your child's diet may seem unreasonable or impossible. Most children enjoy fast food; unfortunately, most of the food items contain enormous amounts of sodium and saturated fats. Increasing healthful foods will painlessly clean up a child's diet. The more wholesome foods your child takes in, the less room for unhealthy food.
If you must go to a fast food restaurant, choose the ones that offer healthful food items. At home, keep fresh fruits, raisins and pretzels out for the kids to munch on. Get creative and make snacks appealing by cutting fruits and veggies into different shapes. Soon, their palates will adjust and they will desire healthful fare.
Make bottles of water available. Keep bottles of water around the house, and pack a frozen bottle of water for drinking at school. Train your children to enjoy water and skip the sugary drinks that contain caffeine and sugar.
According to KidsHealth, "Kids who consume one or more 12-ounce (355mL) sweetened soft drink per day are 60 percent more likely to be obese." Make water more appealing by adding a slice of lemon, lime or orange to the glass for flavoring and presentation---they can eat the fruit, too.