How to Treat a Tummy Ache
Things You'll Need
- Ginger
- Honey
- Lemon
- Peppermint tea
- Ginger ale
- Yogurt
- Toast
- Hot water bottle
- Ice pack
Use soothing natural ingredients. Certain food items can help make your child's tummy ache go away. Grate half a teaspoon of fresh ginger, stir it into a cup of hot water and serve. If your child finds that mixture unpalatable, squeeze juice from half a lemon into the hot water and add a teaspoon of honey. Ginger helps relieve nausea and citrus helps break down food components. If this doesn't help, give a glass of peppermint or chamomile tea. You can also serve your child a small helping of plain yogurt with active cultures, a glass of ginger ale and a piece of plain toast topped with a smear of butter.
Encourage the child to drink water. A glass of very cold water can help neutralize excess, irritating stomach acid. Have the child sip it slowly to allow it to take effect. Do not let the child sip while lying down. This can cause further discomfort.
Add heat or ice to the area where your child is experiencing discomfort. Place a hot water bottle wrapped inside a blanket against the child's stomach. Cap the bottle tightly to avoid burning your child's stomach. You can also try using an ice pack wrapped in several socks.
Give over the counter remedies. Even small children can respond well to safe products. Look for medication recommended for soothing your child's pain and calming tummies. Pay careful attention to the suggested dosage. Too much may cause additional pain and side effects while too little may be ineffective. If you have questions about the medication, contact your child's pediatrician.
Monitor the child very closely. If your child's tummy ache continues for more than a day, call your pediatrician. An aching stomach may indicate more serious problems including appendicitis and bleeding internal organs.