ADHD Camps in Maryland

ADHD (Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a term used to cover syndromes where attention may be poor, hyperactivity may be present or both of these symptoms may occur. An estimated 2 million children in America may suffer from ADHD to some degree, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Summer camp has evolved since the original image of sitting around a camp fire singing songs; camps now offer a wide range of activities, with specialized camps for children with medical conditions such as ADHD.
  1. Motion Education Summer Camp

    • Motion Education Summer Camps are held throughout the summer at the Dynamite Gymnastics Center in Rockville, Maryland, for children between ages 4 and 16 who have ADHD, Asperger's, learning difficulties and Developmental Coordination Disorder. The camp uses gymnastics along with occupational therapy to encourage campers to use techniques to overcome challenges and improve both fine and gross motor skills. The children in the camp are encouraged to work as a team and interact with both adults and other children. They learn to focus on tasks and follow instructions.

      Motion Education Summer Camp

      6179 Executive Blvd.

      Rockville, Maryland 20852


    Summer Sensations Day Camp

    • Summer Sensations is a day camp designed for children between ages 4 and 8 who suffer from sensory processing differences. This is a neurological disorder that makes it difficult for the brain to process information from any of the five senses. The camp also believes children who suffer from ADHD, learning differences, anxiety disorders, autism spectrum disorders and children with developmental delays would benefit from the program. The camp runs throughout the summer on an acre of land for outdoor activities as well as in an indoor gym designed specifically for the camp.

      Summer Sensations Day Camp

      St. John Park

      St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church

      Waterloo Road

      Columbia, Maryland 21045


    National Speech/Language Therapy

    • This camp is held in the summer and the programs are divided into four age groups. The first is called Play and Progress, for children between ages 2 and 4. It is a program aimed for children with no verbal language. Jump Start is for children who have autism or language delays and are between ages 2 and 8. Reach for Speech uses techniques needed for social situations, focusing on articulation therapy for children between the ages of 5 and 9. There is also a group called Stuttering for Pre-teens which meets two times a week over the course of eight weeks.

      National Speech/Language Therapy

      5606 Shields Dr.

      Bethesda, Maryland 20817


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