Thera Band Exercises for Children
Hip Abduction
To perform the hip abduction, tie the Thera Band in a loose knot approximately 1 foot long. Place the band around your ankles. Stand straight and avoid bending the knees. Slowly extend one leg forward and hold it in place. Bring your leg slowly back down to a starting position. Perform the same move on the other leg. Hold onto a table, desk or back of a chair if you cannot balance on one foot.
Squats are another exercise kids can do with the Thera Band. Stand in the center of the band. Hold the end of the band at waist level. As you bend your knees and lower your body, keep tension on the Thera Band. Hold the position and gently bring yourself back to the starting position. Keep your back straight when you perform this move. If you have knee problems, avoid this exercise.
Oblique Side Bends
Thera Band exercises for children include performing oblique side bends. To do this exercise, stand on the band with your feet apart. Hold the end of the Thera Band at your waist. Slowly bend to right side of your body. Pull the band with your left hand as you perform the move to create tension. Slowly return to the starting position. Perform the same move on the other side.
Upright Row
Another exercise is the upright row. Stand with your feet together on the band. Hold the ends of the band at the hips and keep your elbows straight. Gently lift the ends of the Thera Band upward toward your chin. Bend your elbows and keep your hands close to your body as you perform this exercise. Slowly release your arms back to the starting position.
Bent Over Row
In addition to the upright row, there is also the bent over row. Place your left foot on the band and make sure it is securely in place. Grab the other end of the band with your right hand while bending at the hips and knees. Pull the Thera Band up while bringing your elbow to your shoulder's height. Gently bring your arm back down to the starting position.