Types of Pinworms
The pinworm is a common form of the roundworm. A roundworm is a nematode and has a round body. Some roundworms that infect humans are large enough to be seen with the naked eye and some are only visible through a microscope. Most roundworm infections occur when a person comes into contact with infected soil, transferring the roundworm eggs to the mouth or through the skin. Roundworm infections may cause health problems in humans.
Hookworms are a type of pinworm infection that can cause adverse affects in humans as well as animals. The hookworm may cause symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal cramping and can be serious in humans. Infants, young children, pregnant women and people who suffer from malnutrition are at an increased risk of developing complications from a hookworm infection. Hookworms are most often found in warm, tropical climates and may infect as many as 1 billion people worldwide. Hookworms are transmitted to humans through contact with larvae infected with hookworms. Most people become infected with hookworms, by stepping on the larvae with bare feet.
The whipworm is a parasite that has a distinctive shape. Whipworms are long, thin and have a whiplike shape. Humans may become infected with whipworms by ingesting the eggs of the parasite through contact with the skin or through food consumption. According to Wrong Diagnosis.com, whipworm infections are most common in the United States in warm, humid areas. Children are most commonly infected with whipworm, although people of any age can become infected. Whipworm infections can be severe, causing a condition known as rectal prolapse which may cause bloody diarrhea.