ADHD Symptoms in Four Year Olds

ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a condition that affects many children. It makes it difficult for children to control their activity level and sustain attention for extended periods.

While some experts believe it is impossible to diagnose the condition in children under the age of five, the symptoms do show early and it's important that parents and caregivers pay close attention, so children can get the medical help they need to control the condition.
  1. Inattention

    • ADHD may be divided into three categories, the first of which is inattentive ADHD. Some signs and symptoms of children being inattentive include having a difficult time paying attention to parents or caregivers, having trouble listening to what people are saying, being easily distracted and going from one thing to another rather quickly, not obeying instruction or having difficulty following through on instruction. This type of child may not be interested in doing things that require ongoing mental effort, because he may not be able to focus for the period of time needed.


    • The second category of ADHD is hyperactive-impulsive ADHD. Just like inattentive ADHD, symptoms can appear in children four years old and sometimes even younger. Symptoms include fidgeting or seeming to need to be in motion all the time, talking too much, having difficulty playing alone or playing quietly, and running around or climbing on people or things when it is inappropriate.

    Combined ADHD

    • Combined ADHD is the third category of the condition. Children suffering from combined ADHD are dealing with inattentive and hyperactive symptoms together, along with impulsive symptoms such as blurting out answers to questions before the entire question can be asked, having difficulty waiting in line or waiting for their turn to do something, speaking or doing things without thinking, running out into the middle of the street without stopping to look for vehicles and constantly interrupting other people.

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