Tube Feeding in Children
Possible reasons for a feeding tube include failure to thrive, severe refusal to eat food, a severe food allergy, disorders of the esophagus, abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract, severe cerebral palsy, prematurity, head trauma, burns, surgery and central nervous system problems.
Nasogastric Tubes
A nasogastric tube is inserted through the nose and down the back of the child's throat. It threads down the esophagus and into the stomach. This type of feeding tube is frequently recommended for children who have trouble sucking or swallowing.
Gastrostomy Tubes
For this type of feeding tube to be installed, "a surgeon makes an opening through the skin, abdominal wall and stomach wall, then puts into the opening a tube, or a small porthole-like device that has an opening at skin level," according to Texas Pediatric Surgical Associates. GTs require less time for feedings and do not interfere with daily activities. The tube is easy to replace and the chances of the child spitting up are less than with an NG.
Role of the Parent
As a parent, you will need to learn how to feed your child through his feeding tube. Your surgeon and pediatric physician will be able to refer you to someone who can train you on how to safely feed your child as well as troubleshoot any problems. The hospital or clinic will also provide you with supplies you will need for feedings such as sterile tubes, oral syringes and any appropriate medications your child needs.
Keep a close eye on children with a GT. The site could leak, become infected or malfunction. For parents who need to insert an NG tube for their child, always check the placement before putting anything down the NG tube. Some children may complain of a sore throat from an NG tube. This should get better with time. Do not try to insert an NG tube if you have not been trained to do so.