Activities That Help Reduce Stress in Children
Art and Craft Activities
Art activities like painting, drawing and sculpture can work wonders for a stressed child. These activities can stir a child's imagination and creativity through the use of colored pencils, crayons, sketch pads, modeling clay, and craft kits. A child may want to build something out of wood or clay or a combination of materials, or to create something out of paper like origami. Making an art and craft project from scratch will give the child a sense of satisfaction and pride at completing a piece by himself, thereby disconnecting him from his stress.
Writing is a remarkable way to release inner thoughts and feelings that may otherwise be difficult for a child to express. If your child is older, encourage her to write down her thoughts and feelings daily and to release any negative emotion like anger or frustration on that piece of paper or notebook. If there is something causing the child to worry or be anxious, let him write it down on a piece of paper, and then crumple it and throw it away.
Participating in Sports
Joining in sports activities can take a child's mind off what is bothering him as he focuses his concentration on the game and his team's points. The child can have fun playing his sport with friends while at the same time releasing stress and anxiety during the game by hitting the ball harder than usual or playing more aggressively. Depending on the child's interest, there are many sports from which to choose including basketball, tennis, badminton, football, hockey or swimming. Most of these involve physical movement that helps release endorphins, which are natural chemicals that can make a person feel happy.