Non Chlorine Alternatives for Swimming Pools
Bromine is used in massage centers and spas for its tolerance of high temperatures and pH levels. It has a chemical structure similar to chlorine since it belongs to the same family of chemicals. Bromine is used as a disinfectant in pools as a chlorine substitute.
According to Drinking Water and Health -- Volume 2, a journal published by the Assembly of Life Sciences (U.S.) Safe Drinking Water, bromine is used to prevent the growth of bacteria, algae and odors in swimming pool water. Bromine dissolves three times better in water than chlorine. No harmful gasses are required for its production. Bromine does not bind strongly, which limits its activity in water. The concentration of residue left behind by bromine disinfectants is low and does not require separate substances to remove. Bromine is available in the form of tablets and requires a brominator (or a bromine dispenser) to siphon the bromine into the pool.
Persulphates (or non-chlorine shock) are sanitizing alternatives to chlorine that are effective in killing harmful bacteria. They are not only effective in killing algae; persulphates 'shock' a pool to break down harmful contaminants and bathers waste (organic waste produced by perspiration, such as oil). Non chlorine shock is used in spas and indoor pools. Persulphates cost approximately 40 percent more than chlorine and greater quantities of it have to be used. They are effective in breaking down swimming pool contaminants to microscopic atoms, therefore functioning as a type of chemical filter. Persulphates are available in sachet form and as tablets.
Copper and Silver
Copper and silver are naturally occurring elements that effectively remove algae, bacteria and other waste from swimming pool water. Copper is effective in treating algae but removes an undesirable residue after removing bacterial contaminants. According to the Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology: Copper Alloys to Distillation, copper and silver have been used for centuries to prevent the growth of shells and algae. The Vikings applied copper strings on their ships to prevent marine species from growing on the walls of their ships. Silver coins were dunked in water to improve water quality. Copper-silver ionization is a popular alternative for chlorine disinfection in the United States.