Signs and Symptoms of a Yeast Infection in a Child
Yeast Infections in the Mouth
Yeast infections in the mouth, throat or esophagus are known as oral thrush. Children with oral thrush will have patches of cottage cheese-like white growths on the tongue, inside the cheeks and at the back of the throat; cracks or cuts may form at the corners of the child's mouth. The infection is painful, and children who can't verbally express this pain may cry or fuss. If the child is breastfeeding, he may pass the infection to his mother, leading to symptoms such as itchy, flaky and painful nipples.
Yeast Infections in the Genitals
Because yeast infections thrive in damp areas, they can easily infect children wearing diapers. They can also result when an oral thrush infection spreads through the digestive system. Symptoms on the genitals may resemble a diaper rash (redness and sensitivity caused by wetness and chafing), with red skin and a painful rash on the vulva or penis. In girls, a yeast infection may cause a yellow or white discharge from the vagina, while in boys it may cause flaking and peeling skin on the underside of the penis.
Yeast Infections on the Skin and Nails
Yeast infections can occur on other parts of the body, including in skin folds (such as in the belly button) and in nails. These infections may be caused by a moist environment or, in the case of children who suck their thumbs, oral thrush spreading outside the mouth. Yeast infections in the nails cause swelling and pain and may even cause the nail to change color or separate from the nail bed. Yeast infections on the skin may cause itching and a rash, much like yeast infections in the genitals, as well as raised bumps and the oozing of a clear fluid.
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