How to Naturally Get Rid of Fleas From Your Child's Hair
Lice, on the other hand, use humans as hosts and have to be diligently removed over a period of time. The tiny, wingless creatures feed on very small amounts of blood. They do not carry disease and are largely harmless but can lead to itching, inflammation and infection on a child's scalp. Lice nits, or eggs, are usually the most obvious visual evidence of an infestation. Before they hatch, nits are tiny yellow, brown or tan dots that stick to hairs near the surface of the scalp. Nits usually hatch after a one to two week period. Most doctors prescribe medicated shampoo for treatment, but you can avoid these chemicals and still get the job done.
Things You'll Need
- Nit comb (comb with very fine teeth)
Wash and condition your child's hair.
Use a nit comb to comb through your child's wet hair, one small section at a time, starting at the roots.
Remove any nits or lice that have accumulated on the comb after combing each section of hair.
Soak the comb in rubbing alcohol for an hour after each combing session.
Repeat every three to four days for two weeks after the last live louse was seen.