Signs & Symptoms of Cat Allergies in Children
Nasal symptoms
Cat allergy symptoms include runny nose, painful nasal congestion, sneezing and nasal drip, which may cause a sore throat or cough. Children with nasal allergy symptoms will frequently rub their nose upward.
Eye symptoms
Other signs include itchy or red eyes and bags under the eyes.
Skin symptoms
Cat allergies may cause allergic dermatitis, leading to an itchy rash or hives where the skin came into contact with the allergen, such as the hands if the allergic child pets a cat.
Respiratory symptoms
Nearly one-third of people with pet allergies also have asthma. This may cause chest pain, wheezing and difficulty breathing. In children, asthma often causes trouble sleeping.
Non-Obvious Causes
Children with cat allergies may show symptoms even if a cat is not present in the house. It can take more than six months to fully clean a house of cat dander once the cat is gone. Cat dander can enter the house after contact with skin and clothing, even if a cat was never in the home.