How to Identify Rashes in Children
Learning to identify rashes can be difficult, and if you are not sure what has caused your child's rash, take him to a doctor or walk-in clinic.
Look at the place on your child's body where the rash appeared. Certain types of rashes only appear in specific places on the body, such as rosacea, which will only be on the ears or back of the ears, scalp, face, neck or chest.
Look at the rashes and their patterns carefully. Certain types of rashes, such as hives, will appear as welts, while others will be flat against the skin and simply appear red. Hives, eczema and bumps caused by chicken pox are often raised. Other types of viral rashes can be flat or raised.
Identify the shape and color of the rash. Certain rashes, such as the one caused by Lyme disease, have a very specific shape or color. Lyme disease appears as a raised white circle within a red circle and is often called the bull's-eye rash. If your child's rash is painful or accompanied by other symptoms of illness, the child is likely in need of medical attention.
Take note of any lotions your child may have put on to which they could be allergic, or check to see if something in their clothing is causing them to break out in a rash. Be aware of any food allergies your child has that could cause rashes. Allergic reactions to lotions or clothes usually appear as red, itchy welts.