How to Manage a Fever to Fight an Ear Infection
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Ibuprofen (pediatric dose)
- Acedamediphine (pediatric dose)
Managing a Child's Fever
Allow your child to get as much sleep as possible. While a fever might initially cause concern among parents, it is a sign that the child's body is trying to fight the illness. According to Dr. Greg Germain, a pediatrician at the Yale-New Haven Children's Hospital, "Since many types of bacteria and viruses don't like hot temperatures, fever is nature's way of fending off disease" (Reference 1). Therefore, you don't necessarily want to stop the fever from doing its work.
Give your child plenty of water. While the fever is running its course, your child might need more water than usual. Giving additional water is not only good for managing the fever, but it also keeps your child from getting dehydrated.
Following the dosage instruction of your child's pediatrician, give your child a pediatric dosage of Ibuprofen or Tylenol. It is important to consult with your child's doctor before giving your child a fever reducer because there is currently conflicting information regarding the dosage and safety of these over-the-counter drugs for children.
Call your child's doctor if any symptoms of your child's fever get worse. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests calling the doctor the first day that the child exhibits a high temperature if the child is 3 years old or younger. Also, if additional symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea or neck pain are present, you should call the pediatrician immediately (Reference 1).
Managing an Adult's Fever
Drink plenty of water. This will prevent your body from getting dehydrated while your fever tries to fight the illness.
Try to sleep. Because a fever is the body's natural way to fight an illness, it's best to try to let it run its course, especially if your temperature is only slightly elevated. If you are able to sleep, you body will be able to recover more quickly.
Take the appropriate dosage of any fever-reducing medication, especially Ibuprofen or Acedamediphine.
Call your doctor if your fever persists or if you experience additional symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea or neck pain.