Effects of EMF Radiation on Toddlers
What is EMF?
Cell phones emit EMFs. EMF is the abbreviation for electromagnetic fields. They are created by electrical apparatus, such as cell phones, transmission lines, baby monitors and wireless routers.
Childhood Leukemia
Kheifets states that there is evidence of a link between childhood leukemia and exposure to low frequency magnetic fields. The International Agency for Research on Cancer now lists this as a possible human carcinogen.
Brain Cancer
Radiation treatments can cause brain tumors. Toddlers and children are at higher risk for central nervous system (CNS) tumors such as brain cancer. There are no definitive studies linking EMF and brain cancer, but radiation treatments are a risk factor for increasing central nervous system tumors in children.
Exposure to EMFs increases the heat load in children's bodies and can cause hyperthermia.
Reducing EMFs
Do not live near power lines. To reduce EMFs, do not live beside power lines. Reduce the use of devices that transmit wireless signals, such as cell phones, baby monitors, cordless phones, and wireless routers.
Toddlers' Sensitivity
Babies and toddlers are more sensitive to EMFs than adults because of their developing nervous systems, and because they will experience a cumulatively longer period of exposure to RF fields from devices such as cell phones than adults.