Signs of a Child in Poverty
Preventable Diseases
Children living in poverty are more susceptible to preventable diseases than kids who come from more well-off homes. These diseases are caused by lack of proper hygiene and vaccinations, which can cause a weakened immune system. Some of the most common preventable diseases that afflict children in poverty are diarrhea and tuberculosis. It's possible that children who are suffering from these ailments are in poverty.
While it's not uncommon for children to get diarrhea, those who don't have access to clean water can become seriously ill. According to the website Stop Child Poverty, "Over 90 percent of deaths from diarrhea for children under five are caused by unhygienic water supplies." Diarrhea robs people of fluids and can cause them to become dehydrated. Without clean water to help with hydration, the symptoms become a perpetual cycle.
Tuberculosis (TB) is a highly contagious airborne disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control, "The TB bacteria are put into the air when a person with active TB disease of the lungs or throat coughs, sneezes, speaks or sings." The reason it gets spread in lower-income areas is that often people living there have weakened immune systems. Only people with the active TB disease can pass it along to others. The most common symptom of TB is coughing up blood. If TB goes untreated, it can be fatal. Unfortunately, the treatment for TB is long and expensive, and people living in poverty often don't have access to the funds necessary to pay for the treatment. Often, TB remains undiagnosed.
One of the main symptoms of a child in poverty is malnourishment. This comes from a lack of proper diet and sufficient food. According to the website Kids Health, "People who are malnourished lack the nutrients needed for proper health and development." Symptoms include being underweight, having stunted growth, dry and scaly skin, bleeding gums and a bloated stomach. The longer malnutrition goes on, the more it begins to affect children's mental abilities. It can also cause problems internally, including weakened muscle mass, osteoporosis and troubles related to organ function. Malnutrition can have permanent damaging effects on the body if not properly treated.
Mental Well-Being
Poverty can greatly affect a child's social and emotional well-being. Children who grow up in impoverished homes are at a greater risk of developing behavioral problems. The website Child Trends says, "Children in poverty have a greater risk of displaying behavior and emotional problems, such as disobedience, impulsiveness, and difficulty getting along with peers." According to Child Trends, the reason children display these behaviors is because of a lack of parental supervision and a more turbulent lifestyle than affluent children. These symptoms can translate into adulthood. Child Trends suggests that these effects on mental well-being are symptoms of current poverty.