Ballet Exercises for Fifth Grade
The barre is considered one of the best tools to condition the body for ballet. The barre is used during training and exercising. It helps fifth-grade dancers develop technique and establish muscle tone. Barre exercises help dancers warm up for class and build style.
Leg Training
Ballet moves are important for leg training. The movements assist with balance while a young fifth grader is on her toes, building strength and stamina. A few of the moves require dancers to lift the foot slightly off the ground and hold. Also, bending the knees while keeping the rest of the body in a straight position helps build leg muscles and prepare the body for ballet.
Music Training
Exercising to music helps new dancers develop rhythm and learn the motions. This enables a fifth grader to create balance as she dances. The music begins slowly and then increases in speed. As the speed of the music accelerates, so do the dance moves and degree of difficulty. This further conditions the body and gets amateur dancers conditioned for the intensity of ballet.