How to Calculate Midparental Height

Used by pediatricians to spot potential problems concerning growth, the midparental height formula predicts a child's eventual adult height based on the heights of his parents. Modeled on decades of statistical data, the midparental height formula is not intended to be 100-percent reliable; rather, healthcare providers can use it to gauge whether an adolescent is exhibiting early signs of stunted or hyperactive growth.


  1. For Males

    • 1

      Convert the father's height to inches. For example, if the father is 5'10", write his height as 70 inches.

    • 2

      Convert the mother's height to inches. For example, if she is 5'4", write her height as 64 inches.

    • 3

      Add the mother's and father's heights together.

    • 4

      Add 5 inches to this total.

    • 5

      Divide the result from Step 4 by 2. The result is the boy's midparental height (in inches).

    For Females

    • 6

      Convert the father's height to inches. For example, if the father is 6'3", write his height as 75 inches.

    • 7

      Convert the mother's height to inches. For example, if she is 5'6", write her height as 66 inches.

    • 8

      Add the mother's and father's heights together.

    • 9

      Subtract 5 from this total.

    • 10

      Divide by 2. This is the girl's midparental height (in inches).

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