Head Lice Treatment with Mouthwash & Vinegar
Lice Features
Head lice are small insects that live on the scalp and occasionally on the eyebrows and eyelashes. They are spread with contact from another person or person's belongings---such as a hat or pillow---who carry lice. While irritating, lice do not cause medical problems.
Mouthwash Treatment
Pour Listerine over the head or put Listerine in a spray bottle and spray the hair, being very careful to saturate the roots. Avoid the eyes at all times. Put on a plastic shower cap for two hours before rinsing well. This will kill the live lice, leaving the nits---or eggs---behind.
After the Listerine treatment is finished, saturate the hair with vinegar, ensuring the roots and several inches of hair from the scalp are saturated---this is where nits are most often found. Put on a shower cap for at least an hour before using shampoo and conditioner to clean the hair. Use a nit comb to comb out lice and nits.
Nits are hard to remove, since they stick to the hair shaft. Vinegar will dissolve the adhesive that keeps nits on the hair.
Household Items
To prevent a reinfestation, it is important to wash the bed linens and clothing of the person who was infected. According to Kids Health, wash these items in hot water and dry them on high heat for 20 minutes.
Soak hair accessories and brushes in rubbing alcohol, hot water or Listerine. Another option is to replace everything with new items.
Consider treating other members in the same household to prevent the spread and reinfestation from lice.
Lice Prevention
Avoid sharing hats, sports equipment or hair accessories. Also avoid direct head-to-head contact with people.