Home Remedies for Toddler Dry Scalp in the Winter
Hair Washing
Wash the toddler's hair less often. Dr. Sears recommends only washing a toddler's hair every 5 to 7 days. Washing hair less often allows the scalp's natural oils to accumulate and soften the scalp, reducing flakiness. Washing a toddler's hair every day can actually cause dry scalp.
Caregivers may be tempted to use baby oil or olive oil in the toddler's hair. However, Dr. Sears explains that these oils may further irritate the scalp. If oils are applied, they should be thoroughly washed out of the toddler's hair after a few minutes to prevent irritation.
According to Baby Center, dandruff is rare in toddlers. However, if caregivers suspect their toddler has dandruff, they can try home remedies. It may help to brush the toddler's hair before washing it. Also, it is helpful to wash the hair daily with mild shampoos to remove excess flakes. If the condition does not improve or if it worsens, a pediatrician should be consulted. A prescription shampoo salicylic acid may be necessary to clear up the condition. Medicated shampoos are typically only applied twice each week.