How to Stop Wetting the Bed the Practical Way
In order to begin the process of helping your child stop wetting the bed, you must first have a talk with them. Discuss with the child that bedwetting is not their fault, and that many times it is caused by stress or a medical condition. Remember to emphasize that wetting the bed does not make them a "baby" or dirty, and that with just a little bit of work, they will be able to make it through the night without any problems. This step is very important because if it is not done correctly, the chance of failure is higher.
The second step in the quest to stop wetting the bed is to make a game out of learning bladder control. If the child is age six or younger, there is a very high chance that this is the root of the bedwetting problem, so learning to control this will ultimately set him or her up to quit this habit. So, try a game such as this: next time the child needs to urinate, have them try to count to five, then eight, and finally ten before letting go, all of course working on this over a couple of weeks time. This will give them a sense of accomplishment all while learning how to control their bladder.
While working on step 2, it is still easy for the bed wetter to get discouraged with their progress. So, to also assist them and work to help them stop wetting the bed, it may be a good idea to invest in overnight underwear, which will serve two purposes. The first is to help keep the child, their clothing, and the bed clean from any bedwetting that may occur (and help them from experiencing any embarrassment if this should happen at a friend's home during an overnight business). The second purpose will be to help the child learn to try getting up in the night to use the toilet, and train them for when they will not be wearing overnight underwear for protection.
The final step is just to remember that it is hard to stop wetting the bed, and that the child will be discouraged from time to time. It is important to stay positive during the journey to stop bedwetting, and keep in mind that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that all the hard work will soon pay off.