Music & Brain Development in Young Children
In her book "Music & the Young Mind," author Maureen Harris offers that young children can learn and retain complex music theory, contrary to previously held beliefs. She insists that young children are like sponges, and can soak up vast amounts of knowledge.
Music's brain development benefits for young children include improved cognitive skills, better understanding of mathematical concepts, and advanced reasoning skills.
Time Frame
According to University of California, Irvine, professor Dr. Gordon Shaw, exposing a child to music should happen as early as possible to impart the greatest benefits. He even suggests exposing pregnant women to music as a way to stimulate the unborn child's brain development.
Carolyn Gilbreath, a consultant with the Oakland Intermediate School District in Michigan, suggests that music has the ability to sink a young child's brain into alpha wave mode, much like the experience of meditation. This state helps improve brain functions and development.
While exposing young children to music can help develop brain development, great care should be taken to reduce the possibility of damage to the ears while enjoying music. The use of earphones or earplugs should be closely monitored for volume.