Headaches With Dizziness in Children
According to Kid's Health.org, about 5 percent of all school-age children experience migraines.
Time Frame
Migraines typically reoccur sporadically as last from 30 minutes to several hours.
Migraines often cause throbbing or steady head pain on either one or both sides. Other symptoms may include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, stomachache, coordination problems, visual disturbances (spots) and sensitivity to certain smells, noise and light.
Migraines may be triggered by lack of sleep and stress. However, they may also occur without a specific trigger in some individuals. Certain foods such as nuts, chocolate, hot dogs and colas may also trigger migraines.
A migraine can be treated with over-the-counter pain medications such as Tylenol or Motrin. Dr. Greene recommends giving children a dose of both Tylenol and Motrin at the onset of a migraine. However, severe migraines may require prescription medications.