What Are the Causes of Yeast Infection in Children?

Children can contract yeast infections just like adults do. Yeast infections thrive on a warm and wet environment, which makes the mouth and genital areas likely places to develop a yeast infection. A variety of things can cause yeast infections in children.
  1. Antibiotics

    • Because children pass germs easily, they are often prescribed antibiotics for their ailments. Antibiotics kill all of the bacteria in the child's body--good and bad The absence of the good bacteria leaves the yeast that naturally occurs in the body unchecked. This can lead to a yeast infection.


    • When the yeast Candida grows out of control it causes thrush, which is an oral yeast infection. The yeast can grow out of control because the child's immune system is not yet fully developed or as a result of certain medicines and antibiotics.

    Confined Areas

    • Because yeast grows well in wet, warm environments, children who wear tight clothing are at risk of developing yeast infections.


    • Some medications can provoke a yeast infection to occur. Consult your doctor about whether your child's medication could be the culprit of the yeast infection.


    • Long baths with lots of bubbles can increase the risk of a yeast infection because they create conditions that are conducive to that kind of infection.

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