Health Care Disparities in Children
Minority Children
A 2006 national study released by the Center for Advancement of Underserved Children stated that minority children have experienced a number of medical disparities. According to the study, there is lack of access to medical services and care for minority children.
Health-care disparities in African-American children were shown in the areas of behavioral and speech problem, as well as concerning skin disorders. There was also a lack of care for African-American children with asthma, and a lack of access to medicine.
Just like African-American children, Latinos also lack access to medicine prescriptions. Latino children don't have regular access to health care or medical insurance.
Native Americans
Native-American children also lack regular access to medical care as well as dental care. Native-American children experience a number of hearing and vision problems. Native-American children make regular visits to the emergency room.
Asian Pacific Islanders
Asian Pacific Islanders have the greatest lack of oral health care. They usually don't see doctors for a whole year, and they lack resources for specialty medical care.