TB Test Laws for Kindergarten
Previous TB Test
In order to enter kindergarten (or first grade, if the child did not attend kindergarten), a student must have records of a TB skin test done at any previous time.
Attending School without a TB Test
Children who have not had a TB skin test must provide proof of one within one year of having been enrolled in school.
Returning Students
Students who have already attended school are exempt from this requirement, under the assumption that they have previously provided this information.
TB Test Appeals
Families who do not believe in immunization for religious or personal reasons may appeal the requirement for a TB skin test by providing proof of a physical examination, a letteer from the physician, and a few other basic pieces of information.
Positive TB Tests
A child who recieves a postive TB test may attend school for twenty days. Parents must provide chest X-rays proving that the child is no longer contagious before he/she can be allowed back into school permanently.