How to find Natural Bed Wetting Solutions
The first step in finding natural bedwetting solutions is to consider the age of the person with the bed wetting problem. It is a fact that many parents expect a child to remain dry much earlier than the child's doctor might predict as the right age. They might expect the child to begin to have dry nights at the same age as siblings. Each child has a different developmental rate and one child might develop bladder control later than another child will. Boys generally are a year later than girls are in maintaining bladder control though the entire night. The most natural of all bed wetting solutions is to give the child enough time, unless you suspect a medical issue such as a bladder infection or diabetes or an overall developmental delay. You should consult a physician immediately in those cases. Giving it sufficient time is a very natural and extremely effective natural bed wetting solution.
The second step is the most difficult to follow. No matter the age of the person, a natural bed wetting solution will require patience. There are several factors that come into play with bed wetting in children and adults. The first factor is that bed wetting is in almost all cases not something they have voluntary control over, but they often feel shamed and suffer from low self esteem. When implementing any of the available natural bed wetting solutions, a plentiful supply of patience and understanding is very important.
Natural bed wetting solutions with a high success rate and that have been clinically proven are difficult to find. One of these is the bed wetting alarm. This is a natural solution in that no medications or drugs are involved, it is merely an alarm that detects wetness and helps to train the person suffering from bed wetting to recognize the signs of a full bladder even in a heavy sleep. This is one of the most tested natural bed wetting solutions, and has had an impressive success rate in clinical trials. One thing that should be understood is the child or adult must be ready for this step, as it requires their cooperation to be successful.
Another of the natural bed wetting solutions choices is dryness training. Dryness training is still a very popular natural method despite a lack of clear clinical studies to support it. This involves usually limiting fluid intake before bedtime, and waking the child several times a night. There is no guarantee that the child will wake to a dry bed and reports vary as the effectiveness of choice of natural bed wetting solutions.
Finally, there is a method called the Star Chart that is another of the multitude of natural bed wetting solutions. This involves giving a child a gold star and a treat after a sufficient number of stars in reward for dry nights. The theory is the child will work harder at having dry nights if promised a reward. There are no clinical trials to prove its effectiveness as a natural bed wetting solution. It is however an option and is sometimes used in conjunction with alarms or other natural bed wetting solutions.