Glucose Levels in Children
Normal Levels in Children
The normal blood glucose levels in children stay between 70 and 100 mg/dl. After eating, a meter will always display a higher blood sugar level. A checkup with a physician may require fasting; this is where no food or liquids can be consumed after midnight the morning before the checkup. This is a more accurate way of checking glucose levels.
Diabetes develops when the pancreas does not make enough insulin or because the body's cells do not use insulin properly. Knowing the exact cause of the diabetes will determine whether a child has type 1 or type 2, or low or high blood sugar levels.
There are two types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body does not produce insulin, a chemical that is produced by the pancreas that turns sugars and starches into energy. This type is often referred to as juvenile diabetes. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin or the body's cells reject the insulin.
There are many different effects associated with diabetes. If a patient has low glucose, or hypoglycemia, she may experience dizziness, lack of energy, shakiness and sweating. The effects of high glucose are blurred vision, increased urination and thirst, weight loss and irritability.
If a child experiences any of the symptoms or high of low blood glucose levels, she should be tested on a regular basis and follow up with a physician or endocrinologist, a diabetes specialist. If there is history of diabetes in the immediate family, earlier precautions should be taken. Exercise is vital to a child's health when it comes to diabetes. If diabetes goes untreated, there can be damaging effects such as heart attack, stroke, and loss of vision or limbs.