How to Help Children Overcome Excessive Fear
Encourage your child to talk to you about her fears. Be supportive and don't dismiss them. Telling her to "get over it" or ridiculing her will only serve to break down communication and introduce trust issues. Often, talking about what scares her can put the situation into perspective for her so she can begin working on overcoming the fear on her own.
Explain any mistaken beliefs your child may have about what scares her. For example, if she has a phobia of dogs, explain that she should be cautious around new dogs, but with a few safety rules, most dogs are harmless and will not hurt her.
Gradually expose him to his fears. Complete avoidance of the object or situation which he fears will only reinforce his belief that he should be scared. Exposing him slowly will desensitize him and allow him to overcome his fear at his own pace.
Practice calming breathing techniques with him. Learning to self-calm will be a helpful tool for when he is scared and away from you. A visualization exercise where he pictures himself facing his fear and nothing dreadful happening to him can also be very effective.
Teach by example. Be careful not to transfer your own phobias onto your children. If your child sees you frequently overreacting in certain situations, she is bound to assume she should be afraid also. Overcoming your own fears will set a good example for your child.