How to Rinse a Two-Year-Old's Eye

Foreign particles in the eye are not only extremely irritating, but they can also cause injury to the delicate area if not treated immediately. Flushing irritants out of the eye is a relatively cut-and-dried procedure, except when dealing with an unhappy two-year-old child. A child is not a happy camper when there's something in her eye, and even less so during the flushing process. However, a few easy steps can ensure that the process is as quick and painless as possible.


    • 1

      Enlist the help of a second adult. Have the person hold the child securely. Most important is keeping the child from thrashing about. To keep the child from rubbing his eye, keep his arms secured and away from the face. If another adult is not available, the child can be wrapped tightly in a towel and held under one arm. Try calming the child with soothing words of encouragement during this procedure.

    • 2

      Hold the child's eye open gently to try and locate the foreign particle. If the item appears to be embedded in the eye, a doctor should be contacted immediately. If the item appears to be an easily removable irritant (sand, grit, eyelash, etc.), proceed with a water flushing.

    • 3

      Gently pull down the lower lid of the affected eye. If there is a second adult offering assistance, have her hold the child's eye open. The person who holds the child's eye open should make sure her hands are clean first.

    • 4

      Begin pouring a steady stream of lukewarm water into the affected eye. This can be done using the faucet or a pitcher. Make sure the water is not heated, as this can cause serious injury to the eye.

    • 5

      Continue flushing the affected eye for approximately 15 minutes. Check the eye carefully to make sure the foreign particle has been flushed completely.

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