How to Stop Recurring Ear Infections
Have your child completely checked out by his doctor. Recurring ear infections can be signs of other health problems. Your doctor can diagnose any underlying health problems that might cause an ear infection and treat them. If an underlying health condition is causing the recurring ear infections, treating it will stop the infections.
Make sure that your child practices good hygiene by washing his hands often, especially after touching or being around sick people. His ears should also be cleaned regularly using mild soap and a washcloth. Do not insert anything in your child's ear larger than a finger because anything larger can cause damage to the ear's structure.
Boost your child's immune system. Recurring infections can be the sign of a weak immune system. Keep your child hydrated and be sure he gets plenty of vitamin C. Talk to your doctor about the pneumococcal vaccine to prevent ear infections. It has been shown to have some effect on them.
Try smaller playgroups or day care centers. The more children your child has contact with, the more likely it is that he can pick up bacteria and viruses. Limit the number of children your child plays with to limit his chances of contracting ear infections.
Protect your child from secondhand smoke. Not only has secondhand smoke been proven to increase your child's risk of breathing problems, it has also been linked to recurring ear infections.