Natural Remedies for Preschool ADHD

ADHD is a major problem in children, even preschoolers. This disorder makes it difficult for children to pay attention, which can affect learning and lead to behavioral problems. There are many natural remedies for ADHD that you may want to try in addition to any medical treatment you may seek. Some of these remedies may not treat ADHD directly but can help treat behavior problems at a young age.
  1. Intervention

    • Intervention strategies can help improve your child's behavior. These strategies include modifying the environment in an ADHD student's home and school environment. These modifications will remove potentially distracting objects such as toys, televisions and posters. The strategies vary depending on the child; some include individualized programs in class for each student with ADHD. The programs offer positive support for ADHD students and reward good behavior. Science Daily reports that a study using early intervention strategies showed a 17 percent decrease in aggression and a 21 percent improvement in social skills. Teachers reported a 28 percent improvement in both.

    Herbal Remedies

    • Herbal remedies also have been touted as a treatment for preschoolers with ADHD. Vitamin B6 helps keep the nervous system functioning properly, which can help prevent the flittering of attention that occurs with ADHD. Glycine can be used in the same way. Iron and magnesium deficiency often are associated with ADHD. Magnesium and iron supplements may help treat some ADHD symptoms. Zinc, copper and phosphatidylserine are being studied for their effectiveness in treating ADHD. Di-methyl glycine can be used to treat abnormal glucose metabolism, a major contributor to ADHD.

    Positive Reinforcement

    • One of the big contributors to bad behavior in preschoolers who suffer from ADHD is the negative reinforcement they get from their bad behavior. Very young children, such as those in preschool, thrive on attention; they don't differentiate between good or bad behavior attention. Reinforcing good behavior can help reverse negative attention due to ADHD. When your child misbehaves, try to ignore him as long as possible; avoid giving him any attention while he misbehaves. As soon as he does something positive, praise and reward him for the good behavior. Give special praise to focusing or attention-based behaviors. This may help to improve your child's behavior.

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