Safety Rules to Teach Non-Reading Children
Train non-reading children to obey parents and authority figures quickly and fully. Use clear rules and define consequences. Do not be afraid to enforce the rules; staying consistent will teach children to take them seriously and obey you quickly. A dangerous situation is a terrible time for a power struggle.
Stay Out of the Street
Teach young children never to cross the street unless they are holding hands with a grown-up. If a toy rolls into the street, train them to ask for help rather than running after it. Define a safe area that your children are allowed to play in. Use simple, concrete rules like "only play on the grass."
Avoid Strangers
Children should learn to recognize the trusted grown-ups in their lives and not talk with or accept toys, candy or rides from strangers. Teach them to shout "please stop" if any grown-up does something that makes them feel uncomfortable. This trains young children to be assertive without becoming disrespectful and does not teach them to say no to grown-ups in any situation.
Only Eat Food
Teach children to not put anything in their mouths unless it is food from a parent or trusted grown-up. Clearly establish categories of "food" and "not food." This can keep children from swallowing poisonous household products, toys or bugs. This also reinforces the "no candy from strangers" rule.
Avoid Dangerous Objects
Teach non-reading children not to touch sharp or hot objects. Train them to play with toys and safe objects, and supervise them when they are outside or in new situations.