Pinworm Treatments for Infants
Anti-worm Medicine
Vermox is a chewable anti-worm medicine that is taken in one dose, then repeated two weeks later. Antiminth is an alternative to Vermox. It is a liquid that is usually taken in one dose. Both drugs should not be given to children under 2 without a doctor's consent.
Treating the Whole Family
Even if only one child is infected, it is advisable that the whole family be treated for pinworms at the same time, thereby assuring that reinfection does not occur.
Treating the Itch
Because the anti-worm medicines treat only the infection, itchiness may persist for up to two weeks. If this is the case, soothing creams or ointments may be applied to the affected area.
Preventing the spread of infection or the opportunity for reinfection is paramount. The child should be taught to get into the habit of washing his hands after every trip to the bathroom. Bed linens, clothes and toys should be thoroughly washed.
Household pets are common carriers of pinworms. Be sure to treat all animals and limit the child's exposure to them until both child and pet are free of parasites.