How to Remove Lice From Objects
Boil combs and brushes for five to ten minutes. The water should be at least 130 degrees Fahrenheit. Alternatively, brushes or combs that may melt can be sealed in a plastic bag for two weeks. It may not be a bad idea to throw away cheap items that can easily be replaced.
Machine wash all bed linens, towels, clothes and other possibly contaminated objects in hot water. Dry the items in a dryer on the high heat cycle.
Clean all toys. Toys can also be washed in the washing machine with hot water. If the toys cannot be machine washed, they should also be placed in a sealed bag for two weeks. Small toys that will not melt can be soaked in boiling water for five to ten minutes.
Vacuum any carpets, and mop all the floors with hot water. By cleaning the house thoroughly, you can prevent a lice infestation from returning. You should also clean the home if an infected person has visited. As a precaution, check everyone's head to make sure the infection did not spread.
Use Lysol to clean countertops, tables and other objects in the home. In addition to hot water, you can kill lice by allowing items to soak in the Lysol for one hour.
Vacuum the seats and floorboards of all vehicles the infected person came in contact with. Lice may fall off of clothing and hair and be awaiting their next victim in the family car.