How To Teach Kids About Head Lice
Things You'll Need
- Pictures of lice and infected human scalps
Have a talk with your child. Explain what lice are, and describe what they do when they live on a person's head. The beginning of the school year is a good time to do this, as lice outbreaks often occur then. Information and facts about lice can be accessed in the first reference link below.
Describe with pictures. Show your child photos of lice or the heads of people who are affected by lice. You can find the photos in the first reference link on this page, online, or in books.
Warn about contagion. Explain to your child how lice travel from person to person, and can live on personal clothing or other items long enough to be transmitted. Emphasize that children transmit lice most frequently.
Arm your child with specific tips. Remind your child never to share hats, combs, brushes or hair accessories. Advise him not to put his head next to that of another child. Also encourage her to keep her personal items away from those of others (for example, to avoid putting a friend's hat or clothing in the same backpack).