Gout in Children
Gout is the inflammation of a joint. Although normally considered a condition that affects adults, there are children who suffer from gout.
Genetics is a major contributing factor in children with gout, as children with a family history of kidney function problems are more likely to have problems with gout.
Gout is caused by an abnormal accumulation of uric acid that then forms urate crystals within a joint or tissue. In children, this can be caused by poor diet that includes large amounts of sugar, lack of exercise and hydration habits.
The symptoms of gout appear suddenly and include redness or pain in the joints. Usually, it is apparent in the big toe, foot, knee or wrist.
Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen and naproxen are effective in relieving pain from gout in children, as long as the dosages given are appropriate for children. A diet that minimizes fructose has also been shown to relieve the symptoms of gout in children.