Children's Allergy Home Cures
Family pets, especially cats, can trigger child allergies because of dander. Dander, or dead skin, is released when animals lick themselves and the allergens in the dried saliva become airborne, causing problems for many children as well as adults. If possible, pets should spend the majority of their time outdoors and be banned from an allergic child's bedroom or play areas. Pets should be bathed once a week to limit allergens. If all precautions are taken and a child is still suffering from severe allergies, the pet may need to relocate to a new home.
Dust Mites
Dust mites are microscopic insects that thrive in dusty environments. Children are often allergic to the droppings of dust mites, which can be found on pillows, furniture, draperies, carpeting and stuffed animals. Keep dust mites at bay by using vinyl covering for bedding and pillows, wash bedding, throw rugs and curtains often in very hot water and use allergen-trapping vacuum cleaner bags. Avoid use of bunk and canopy beds, which also attract dust mites.
Mold allergies are caused when a high humidity environment allows mold to grow. To help stave off allergies contributed to mold, measure humidity levels and purchase a dehumidifier to use daily. Allow fresh air to circulate in rooms by opening windows or using fans. Mold-fighting commercial products, as well as scrubbing damp areas with a combination of bleach and water to discourage the fungi from forming, can also effectively combat mold problems in the home.