Melatonin Use in Children
Types of Melatonin
Our bodies naturally produce melatonin. Synthetic melatonin supplements can be purchased over-the-counter for those that have problems sleeping.
Melatonin Uses for Children
Melatonin has been used to help children with neuro-psychiatric disorders and sleep disorders. These include autism, ADHD, epilepsy, visual impairment and various psychiatric disorders.
Benefits for Children
Melatonin can help children who have trouble falling sleep at night have an easier time doing so. It can also help children who wake up multiple times each night to stay asleep with less sleep disturbance.
Side Effects in Children
Melatonin can cause some side effects in children. These can include sleepiness, sluggishness, headache, upset stomach, depression or the feeling of being hungover. Studies are still being done to determine if there are any long-term effects of using melatonin.
Considerations for Children
More testing is needed to find out how melatonin use affects other diseases and how it interacts with other medications. Before giving any medication to your child, you should consult a physician.