Egg Allergies in Children
Children who are allergic to eggs have the allergy because their immune system has an abnormal reaction to egg proteins. The body reacts with allergy symptoms because it's trying to protect itself against the proteins, which it's sensing as detrimental.
Symptoms include a skin rash in the vicinity of the mouth, vomiting or diarrhea, and abnormalities in the respiratory tract.
An allergist will diagnose an egg allergy by pricking the skin of the child's back with egg protein to see if there's a skin reaction. They may also prohibit the child from eating anything with eggs for several weeks, and then see if there's an allergic reaction once eggs are reintroduced.
For children with mild levels of allergies to eggs, avoiding food with eggs and using an antihistamine are sufficient treatment methods. Children with severe allergies to eggs will need a shot of epinephrine to counteract a serious allergic reaction.
Parents of children with egg allergies can help their child avoid eggs by reading food labels and cooking egg-substitute recipes.