How to Get Toddlers to Wear Eye Patches?
Things You'll Need
- Eye patch
- Single-vision toys
- Other toys
Make sure that the patch is not too sticky. To do this, place the patch first on a piece of clean fabric and then remove it. This will reduce some of the stickiness, and that's important because now the patch will not hurt as much when you remove it.
Play peekaboo with your child. Although this might not seem related to the eye patch, it can get your toddler accustomed to having her eye covered. Try covering one eye and then the other.
Use single-vision toys, such as kaleidoscopes or containers with narrow openings, to show your child how to look at something with only one eye. Introduce the patch while playing with one of these objects, by showing your toddler that it's easier to play single-vision toys with the patch on.
If the child begins to resist the patch (or even better, before he does), introduce new and exciting toys, with flashing lights, mirrors, interesting pictures, or enjoyable songs. You can also read your child a favorite book or watch a favorite video to pass the time and distract him from the patch.
Remove the eye patch carefully, and tell the child that the "fun time" is over. Remove the exciting toys, and replace them with more everyday, low-key entertainment.