How to Care for Child Seizure Disorder
Things You'll Need
- Doctor
- Medication
- Patience
The most important thing is to get to the root of the causes of the seizures. There are several different causes, including brain tumors, epilepsy, febrile seizures and health-induced seizures. The treatment will depend on the type of seizure. Once the cause is diagnosed and medication is in place, family, friends and the child can begin to learn how to deal with the seizure disorder.
It is important to follow treatment protocol exactly as prescribed. Often doctors will prescribe anti-seizure medications such as Phenobarbital or Dilantin. Sometimes, anti-anxiety medications can be prescribed. The first goal of treatment is to try to stop or reduce the number of seizures the child is having.
Safety of children during a seizure is of utmost importance. Adults should stay as calm as possible so as to not scare the child. All furniture should be cleared from the area, and something placed under the child's head so they won't injure their head from repeated banging. If possible, the child should be turned to his side, so any saliva can drain out of his mouth. It is no longer considered necessary to place an object in the child's mouth when having a seizure. Simply placing them on their side is sufficient.