How to Improve a Child's Posture
Things You'll Need
- Child-sized chair
- Pillow
- Double-strapped backpack
- Child-sized desk
Keep the child active. Certain sports are good for improving posture. Chiropractor Scott Haldeman recommends swimming, soccer, basketball and running. Perhaps enroll the child in a movement or dance class to help her become aware of her body and learn how she should carry herself. (Ref. 1)
Do some sitting stretches with your child. A simple shoulder shrug where the shoulders are pulled back will put the back in a upright position. Also, have the child get up and about in between long sitting periods. (ref. 1)
Talk about it. Discuss with your child the changes that she is facing in puberty and explain the benefits of good posture. Tell her why good posture is healthy and projects self confidence. Kindly remind her to stop slouching. (Ref. 1 and 3)
Get the right setup for computer use and homework time. Buy a child-sized chair. The child should be able to reach the floor while sitting all the way to the back of the chair. Otherwise, he will tend to lean forward so that his feet reach the ground. You can use a pillow to support his lower back, if necessary. Also, find the right height table so it is about at elbow height when he is seated correctly. (ref. 1, 2) Show the child how to adjust the computer monitor so he can view it properly (not having to tilt his head back or forward). You can do something similar for when he is reading at a desk. Prop the book up so he is not hunched over while reading. (ref. 1)
Avoid lop-sided book bags. Heavy backpacks are a major culprit for child posture problems. Have the child wear a bag on both shoulders so the weight is evenly distributed. Help her decrease the amount of weight she carries around each day at school. (ref. 3)
Set a good example for your child. Just like any good habit, you want to show your child the right behavior by doing it yourself. Besides, you will remain much healthier. (ref. 2)