Nasal Congestion Relief for a Two Year Old
Saline Drops
Saline spray drops are available at most supermarkets or pharmacies. Apply a few drops to each nostril and try to get your child to lie still for a few moments to allow the drops to work their way up her nostril. These drops will lubricate the inside of the nasal passage, bringing down the swelling in the passages that causes the stuffy feeling that accompanies nasal congestion. You can use these drops four times a day for the entire time your child suffers congestion.
Children can suffer from nasal congestion when the weather outside becomes too dry. Placing a vaporizer in your child's room at night while she sleeps is a good way to combat congested noses. For added benefit, put a few drops of mentholated product into the vaporizer's water reservoir. This will add medicated moisture to the air, which will soothe your child's nasal passages, allowing the swelling to go down and the congestion to abate while she is asleep. You can run a vaporizer every night for your child if you wish--this device is safe for everyday use.
Warm Compress
If your toddler is suffering from nasal congestion due to allergies, try placing a warm compress over his nasal cavity--holding a warm washcloth to his lower forehead can relieve the pressure and swelling on the nasal cavities, allowing your child to rest more comfortably. Also, holding him in a slightly upright position will allow the excess mucus to drain, which can be removed either by having him blow his nose or by using a nasal aspirator.
Find the cause of your child's congestion. If it is caused by an allergy or cold, seek treatment to ease her discomfort for the duration of the illness. If it is caused by a dry environment, consider adding moisture to the air, allowing easier breathing for your child. There are not a lot of antihistamines available on the market for 2-year-olds. You can ask you pharmacist or pediatrician what dosage of a children's medication might be right for your child based on her weight.