Proper Hygiene for Children

Teaching kids to be clean is part of letting them know what it takes to stay healthy. When children are very young, the concept of bathing and cleaning them is something that may seem almost fun to parents as they get to watch their very small child splashing about in the sink or tub. But the importance of proper hygiene becomes paramount when those children start to go outside to play and pick up bacteria that can lead to a variety of diseases.
  1. Washing Hands

    • One of the best hygiene habits to get your kids involved in at a very early age is washing their hands. However, it can be more effective to make sure they understand why they are asked to wash their hands as opposed to simply forcing them to do it. Let them know that washing their hands keeps germs off their food as they eat and prevents them from being sick. Washing their hands can also help keep germs contracted from other children from making your child sick as well. Be sure to make soap part of this regular ritual, and reward a child with a pat on the back when they remember to wash their hands without you having to remind them.

    Bathing and Hair Washing

    • When your child is very young, they are exposed to other children in daycare, and then later when they start school. Not every child is taught proper hygiene habits by their parents. To help protect your child from the diseases that can be brought to school by other children, you need to get your child used to a daily bath that includes washing their hair. Washing the hands is a good way to lower the chances of getting infected by bacteria that the hands come in contact with, but for germs that are airborne and stick to clothes the only solution is a regular bath. Head lice can be a common problem for children in school, and the way to combat lice is to make sure washing their hair is part of their daily bathing routine.

    Teaching Your Children

    • is a parenting resources website that reminds us that children learn from watching their parents. If you want to make sure that your children develop good hygiene habits, then make sure you are practicing good hygiene yourself. Always insist on wearing clean clothes, only use a bath towel a maximum of two times before you get a clean one and be sure to shower or bathe daily. Explain to your children why hygiene is important, and if they have ever been ill with the flu or some other disease then use that as an example of how they will feel if they do not take care of themselves. Children need a reason to do something and when it comes to something as important as hygiene, you need to explain to them that the reason is their good health.

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