Signs of Reflux in Babies & Children
Signs of Reflux in Babies
A baby with reflux vomits frequently, may have difficulty feeding and will probably be very fussy. He may also gain weight slowly due to poor digestion. Babies with reflux also tend to refuse the breast or bottle.
Signs of Reflux in Children
Reflux in an older child may cause pickiness in eating, bad breath, irritability and excessive burping. Children with reflux also tend to have trouble sleeping and may have breathing problems.
A pediatrician can usually diagnose reflux simply by speaking with the parent about the symptoms. Sometimes, further tests are needed such as a barium swallow, GI endoscopy, or gastric emptying study.
Treatment for reflux includes raising the head of the child's bed, keeping child upright after meals, and changing feeding habits. Sometimes certain foods cause reflux to worsen and these foods can be avoided to lessen the severity of the symptoms.
Some over the counter medicines may help a child with reflux. These include anti-gas medicines, antacids and histamine blockers. Prescription drugs that may be prescribed are Propulsid, Reglan, or Erythromycin.