How to Kill Nits
Things You'll Need
- Regular or lice-killing shampoo
- Towel
- Hair clips
- Plastic bowl
- Fine-tooth comb
- Lice comb
- Magnifying glass
- Tweezers
- Rubbing alcohol
- Vacuum cleaner
Wash hair according to shampoo directions and towel dry. Use a regular comb to remove all tangles, then separate the hair into several sections with hair clips.
Place a towel around the shoulders and run a nit comb through each section of the hair. Once a section has been thoroughly combed, secure that section with a hair clip again.
Using a magnifying glass in a well-lit room or outdoors in full sunlight, carefully inspect each section of the hair for remaining nits or lice. Use a nit comb or tweezers to remove nits, which are attached to the hair shaft near the scalp, often at the neckline and behind the ears.
Place the removed nits in a small plastic bowl filled with rubbing alcohol for several minutes, then dispose of the bowl and alcohol. Soak combs, tweezers and hair clips in hot water (130 degrees or more) for 10 minutes.
Vacuum all mattresses and pillows, carpeting and upholstered furniture used by the affected person. Wash all clothing and beds linens recently used by the infected person in hot water, then dry at high temperature.
Recheck hair daily and manually remove any remaining nits. Follow lice-shampoo instructions for retreatment of hair, usually in seven to 10 days. If the medicated shampoo fails to kill live lice, stop all chemical treatment and contact your physician.