How to Get Rid of Head Lice in Childcare
Things You'll Need
- Cleaning supplies
- Vacuum
- Phone
- Tip sheet about lice
Identify children with head lice. Wearing disposable gloves, check each child's head regularly by separating the strands of hair, particularly along the neckline and behind ears. Look for nits, which are eggs, as well as live bugs.
Separate children with lice from the rest of the class. Have them read at the table or do some other activity. Do not make them feel as if they are being punished or isolated.
Call the parents of any child with lice and have them pick up the child immediately. Do not allow the boy or girl to return until after treatment. Always check the child's head for evidence of lice prior to allowing them back.
Give the parents a tip sheet about lice. The sheet should include basic information about lice and ways to remove the infestation. Include both traditional insecticide treatments as well as more natural treatments.
Thoroughly clean all surfaces that the child has been in contact with. This includes vacuuming. Don't use combs on multiple children. Do not allow them to share hats, hair ties or any other fabric that comes into contact with a child's head.