How to Clean Ear Wax in a Child
Things You'll Need
- Washcloth
- Ear wax removal solution
- Ear dropper
- Bulb syringe
Regular Cleaning
Check the outer ear for excess ear wax.
Wet a washcloth with lukewarm water, and wrap it around your index finger.
Wipe the outer ear gently without pushing wax back into the ear canal.
Removing a Blockage
Choose an over-the-counter solution for removing ear wax, or mix a small amount of hydrogen peroxide with an equal amount of water, according to Dr. William Sears.
Warm the mixture by holding it in your hands for a few minutes.
Have your child lie down, and slowly place a few drops of the solution into his ear using a dropper. Try to keep the drops in for five minutes to soften the wax. If your child is unhappy, just leave the drops in as long as you can.
Place a washcloth over the ear. Have your child turn over to allow the drops to flow back out.
Repeat the process daily for three to five days. Then flush the ear with a bulb syringe filled with lukewarm water to remove the remaining ear wax.