How to Rid a Child of Toxins in the Body
Things You'll Need
- Healthy diet
- Water
- Supplements
- Herbs
- Bath
Change your child's diet, eliminating foods they commonly eat. Supplement their diet with organic foods that are rich in fiber. Foods like sprouts, kale and broccoli contain sulforaphane, a protective enzyme inducer that helps a child's body detoxify carcinogens.
Wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly to remove all harmful insecticides or other chemicals if you purchase your produce at a local market.
Eliminate processed flour and white sugars from the child's diet to help them rid their body of toxins. Offer them ample amounts of vegetables and fruits.
Encourage the children to drink large quantities of water. Another beverage option for children to eliminate body toxins is natural, organic juices that are high in fiber.
Avoid taking too many different types of vitamins. An overdose on these mutritional supplements that you might think are helping could actually cause more toxicity in your child's body.
Wrap your child's body in various healthy substances that draw toxins from the body. Special types of clay, herbs and sea salt are examples of toxic-drawing substances. While you can pay to have your child's body wrapped in a salon or spa, you could also create your own concoction for drawing out toxins at home.
Have the child take a bath using hot water mixed with baking soda and sea salt. The baking soda has alkaline in it that removes toxins quickly. As hot water cools, toxins flow away from the child's body.
Consult with your physician to determine a plan for ridding your child's body of toxins. Some doctors may prescribe supplements or pills that help replace any nutrients lost during a dietary change.